Kids will spend their days off school getting active! This camp will feature all kinds of fun organized games, learning several net games - tennis, pickleball, volleyball, badminton, basketball, lacrosse and more - as well as age appropriate anatomy and physiology education on muscles and bones.
A combination of four popular sports to create a fun learning experience with: basketball, lacrosse, jai alai, and hockey to learn agility, accuracy, flexibility, balance, endurance, coordination, and speed. Kidokinetics classes are always a non-competitive environment where kids will learn exercises and fundamentals in a fun atmosphere!
Kidokinetics Sportsplay is a unique and exciting program that introduces children to 25+ different sports and several important physical exercises in a fun, non-competitive environment. Research has shown that non-competitive environments can help children gain confidence while trying new sports they may not have played before. This registration is for weekly classes Saturdays and you will be charged the first day of classes - 1/18 and monthly after that. If you wish to cancel, you can do so by providing 2 weeks written notice. Please note that there is a one-time annual enrollment fee of $35 that includes a t-shirt. For further questions regarding classes, billing, and registration please email or call 971-314-5436.
Kids will learn 3 different unique ball sports in a fun non competitive environment - volleyball, kickball, pickleball - as well as play some fun games to get active on an off-school day!
Kidokinetics Sportsplay is a unique and exciting program that introduces children to 25+ different sports and several important physical exercises in a fun, non-competitive environment. Research has shown that non-competitive environments can help children gain confidence while trying new sports they may not have played before. This registration is for weekly classes Sundays and you will be charged the first day of classes - 6/12 and monthly after that. If you wish to cancel, you can do so by providing 2 weeks written notice. Please note that there is a one-time annual enrollment fee of $35 that includes a t-shirt. For further questions regarding classes, billing, and registration please email or call 971-314-5436.
Kidokinetics Sportsplay is a unique and exciting program that introduces children to 25+ different sports and several important physical exercises in a fun, non-competitive environment. Research has shown that non-competitive environments can help children gain confidence while trying new sports they may not have played before. This registration is for weekly classes Sundays and you will be charged the first day of classes - 6/12 and monthly after that. If you wish to cancel, you can do so by providing 2 weeks written notice. Please note that there is a one-time annual enrollment fee of $35 that includes a t-shirt. For further questions regarding classes, billing, and registration please email or call 971-314-5436.
Kidokinetics Sportsplay is a unique and exciting program that introduces children to 25+ different sports and several important physical exercises in a fun, non-competitive environment. Research has shown that non-competitive environments can help children gain confidence while trying new sports they may not have played before. This registration is for weekly classes Sundays and you will be charged the first day of classes - 3/16 and monthly after that. If you wish to cancel, you can do so by providing 2 weeks written notice. Please note that there is a one-time annual enrollment fee of $35 that includes a t-shirt. For further questions regarding classes, billing, and registration please email or call 971-314-5436.
Learn the basics of a ton of different sports! A fun introduction to sports designed to help kids get moving and build confidence! This camp features a warm-up, introduction to 6-8 new sports or activities, free play, cool down and an age-appropriate anatomy and physiology lesson - all in a non-competitive environment!
During NinjaPlay kids develop skills around stability, agility, balance, jump distance and more. Every class is designed for optimal skill development, and of course – optimal FUN! Each class features a warm up, sport-specific skills and drills, tons of organized games, free play, cool down, and an age-appropriate anatomy and physiology lesson.
There is no better feeling than running across home plate. We will learn the basics of what it means to run bases while we rotate between kickball, T-ball, baseball, softball and cricket. Kids will learn basic skills for each of these sports as well as work on their cardiovascular endurance and teamwork.